Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Crinum Lily

The Crinum Lily is one of my favorite plants in the yard.  It thrives in heat and tolerates drought very well; it does not thrive or sometimes survive in well irrigated areas.  They prefer lots of sun; few varieties prefer shade.

This is a bed of Crinums (Herbertti).  I dug these up from a neighbor's yard in the fall of 2011.  This picture was taken the following Mid May.  They are pictured with a pineapple lilly and Salvia Jenks Farmer.

As you can see, the Crinum flower is very similar to the Amaryllis bloom, yet with many more blooms.  Several of these plants bloomed multiple times.

The Crinum Herbitti stripes can range  from light pink to a  dark burgundy.

Speaking of Jenks Farmer, not the plant but the Crinum expert, check out his website.  He has much more information and a wide variety of crinums to purchase.  They are expensive, but you will never be able to purchase a more healthy plant. His soil is all organic and teaming with fungi and bacteria. He has been a great resource in my learning more about Crinums and very generous in allowing me to work on his farm..

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